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Skype live video lessons

Are you a previous student that has re-located out of Seattle but want to continue your practice? Out on business a lot? Going on vacation but want a lesson or two while you're away? Not in the Seattle Area but want to study with Sifu Restita DeJesus? Need extra help preparing for an upcoming exam but your work schedule prevents you from attending class on a regular basis? Then Skype lessons are for you!

Sifu DeJesus offers Skype lessons in Chen Tai Chi, Qigong, SWC's mixed fighting methods curriculum, Wushu forms, and weaponry. Bullwhip artistry lessons upon request.

All you need is a laptop (or tablet or smartphone) with Skype, a webcam, fast internet access, and a space to workout, and you're all set for live video lessons with Sifu DeJesus!


Current Students

* Per lesson, 1 person: $25 for 45 minutes, $30 for a full hour. Regular weekly supplemental lessons (at least 4 per month) are $15 per lesson, but you must still attend regular classes. Lessons cannot be "rolled over" into the following month, so if you cannot schedule 4 lessons in a month, then the "per lesson" fee applies.

*Per lesson, 2 people: $20 per person for 45 minutes, $25 per person for a full hour. Regular weekly supplemental lessons (at least 4 per month) are $15 per lesson, but you must still attend regular classes (supplemental lessons will not take the place of regular class attendance). Lessons cannot be "rolled over" into the following month, so if you cannot schedule 4 lessons in a month, then the "per lesson" fee applies.


Relocated Students (students who attended clases at SWC but moved away and want to continue practice and rank promotion, or intermediate/advanced students who wish to start a student practice group at their locale.

* 1 lesson per week: $85 per month. Students will be required to submit monthly practice/workout journals.

* 2 lessons per week $125 per month. Students required to submit monthly practice/workout journals.


Out of area students only (individuals who wish to study with Sifu DeJesus but do not live in the Seattle/Greater Puget Sound area)

* Fees the same as "relocated students".



Rank examinations from beginner to intermediate ranks are conducted by a combination of live video review and student's recorded video submission . Standard test fees apply. Upon passing an exam, you will be mailed your rank certificate, sash initialed by Sifu DeJesus, Guro Sherril Johnson or both Masters, and detailed notes of what student can improve upon or practice.

Advanced rank exams (brownbelt/Black belt/black belt degrees) require that Sifu Restita and Guro Sherril Johnson travel to your locale or that you travel to Seattle for the formal exam and promotion. Video exams for black belt are not allowed except for special circumstances.

For practice groups: Group leaders must be at least of Orange sash rank. It is suggested that your practice group meet at least once a week for practice. Group leader will be the main person taught by Sifu DeJesus/Guro Johnson, who will then impart the information to the group. Because of this, Group leader will arrange for at least one group practice per month to be supervised by Sifu DeJesus via live video feed. Also note that "group leader" does not carry any title and is not considered an "instructor", but rather a "group leader" or "Club leader". Group leaders may not claim Instructorship status or assume formal titles such as "Sisuk" on flyers, brochures or any other marketing media unless specifically endorsed by Sifu Restita DeJesus and/or Guro Sherril Johnson.

Keep in mind... This is NOT a "pay for a rank-get a rank" program or a simple mail-order program. You will be required to put in the same amount of supervised practice hours, self practice, and study as our in-house students. The only difference being that your lessons are supervised and taught via live video feed. Promotion to intermediate rank of purple belt requires that student meet Sifu DeJesus/Guro Johnson *in person". In the case of practice groups, it is also suggested that one or both instructors travel to your locale for yearly intensive instructional seminars.

For More Information or to set up your video study program, email us at


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